
American Legion Auxiliary - Department of Massachusetts


To my American Legion Family,

Congratulations to all of your new officers. We look forward to working together and having a successful year.

It is an honor to be able to reach out to the American Legion Family and share  what brought me into this organization and “Why” after all these years I am still a member.

I only walked into American Legion Post 122 because a friend asked me to and told me they had Country & Western Music, which to this day is my music of choice.

Not too long after, I began working there parttime as a bartender. Of course, this brought me into contact with some very special ALA members, namely Mary Dodson and Audrey Sarfde. One night they called me over and said they would like me to join the Auxiliary if I was eligible especially as  I worked there. I told them I was eligible as my dad was a WWII Navy Veteran. Thus, I became a member of Methuen Unit 122 in 1969. These new friends treated me like an equal from day one, which is very important.  So, like those ladies reached out to me, I am reaching out to those of you who are eligible to join but have not.

Until I asked him to join the Legion, the subject of being a member had never come up. In fact, dad never talked about his time in the service.  I can still see my father sitting by the jukebox, having a beer and playing “I Did it My Way” by Frank Sinatra. He sure did!

I had grown up knowing  my dad was a veteran as he was in and out of the VA Hospital in Togus, ME many times over the years. He would always come home bragging about the volunteers and bring us gifts they had helped him make. It makes me proud to say, “I am one of those volunteers.” When I walk through the door at the Chelsea Soldiers Home and see the smiles on our Veteran’s faces, it makes me so happy. They, too, have become like family to me.  

The Membership Theme of “A Country Reunion” goes back to my beginning as a member and to the 1989-1990 year when I served as Dept. President and used Country Music as my theme. Having a husband who sang and played that type of music was a bonus.

Having the privilege to share information in the E-Legionnaire provides an awesome opportunity for us  to make friends along the way we may never meet in person as I did when I worked in the Dept. Office several years ago. So many good things have happened in my life due to my membership in this great organization.

We will continue to stress the importance of how much the “Be the One” program is helping to save lives.

In Service, Not Self

Donna Blattenberger

Department President