
American Legion Auxiliary - Department of Massachusetts


Lisa Williamson, National President


Trish Ward, National Vice President                   Deb Terinan-Eastern Divsion Vice Pres       Kathy Daudistal-National Secretary


                        MaryBeth Revoir-Treasurer                            Donna Thurman-Historian                         Brister Thomas-Chaplain


Who Are We?

The American Legion Auxiliary is the largest patriotic women’s service organization in the world, with nearly 1 million members. Affiliated with The American Legion, the Auxiliary is a veterans’ service organization with members in nearly 10,000 American communities. The organization sponsors volunteer programs on the national and local levels, focusing on three major areas: veterans, young people and the community.

Click here http://www.alaforveterans.org to visit The American Legion Auxiliary Headquarter's web site.